Recently , i visited khultabad , small town 27 km from aurangabad ..
my purpose was to visit dargah of great saint Muntajib al-Din popularly known as zar zari baksh and also to visit great chisti hazrat Zainuddin shirazi spiritual teahcer of Aurangzeb.

The saint Muntajib al-Din came khultabad in fourteen century at the request of his teacher nizamuddin auliya of delhi.
surprisingly i found that Khutabad is place where many important personalities have been buried who had played pivotal role in deccan history

typical urs poster at zar zari baksh

aurangzeb's open tomb

dargah of zainuddin shirazi mentor of aurangzeb
Not only great and last strong mughal emperor Aurangzeb's tomb.
tomb of malik amber who founded city of Aurangabad.
you can find tomb of Asaf jahi the founder of nizam shahi kingdom hyderbad
also his second son Nasir jah is burried here.
therez tomb of Tana shah last sultan of qutub shahi,
also you can find tomb of nizam shah king of ahmednagar...
Irony is that tombs of first king of nizam shahi of golconda and last sultan of qutub shahi are here. i dont know why so many people chose khultabad as their final place of rest...
one of the reasons may be 1500 saints of chisti order lived and buried here. this was major learning center of sufism.this is aslo called valley of saints . great saint khaja bande nawaz of gulbarga studied here
if you want to visit this place give atleast 2 days .